Thursday, January 7, 2010

End of the semester - Zach

In my first semester with Anzar Exchange, I was afforded the opportunity to perform many tasks that I have never attempted before, while utilizing my educational background. I wrote two permaculture policy briefs on specific techniques that could be employed in the Middle Atlas Mountain region of Morocco. Writing these briefs, as it was a new experience for me, helped me to sharpen my research and writing skills, while giving me the chance to learn more about permaculture and the importance of sustainability in environmental conservation. During this fall semester, I was able to organize and run a charity soccer tournament. The event, although small, was successful in creating funds, raising awareness, and providing the necessary information to run a second and improved charity soccer tournament. Toward the end of the semester, the groundwork for creating a project to be executed in Morocco was laid out with the help of Danielle, the other interns, and myself. I look forward to the tasks to be completed in the spring and I will strive to continue the good work that was done over the course of the fall semester.

Thank you,
Zach High

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